
Synonym till Has

Vi har tyvärr inga synonymer till Has.

Korsordssynonymer till Has

En korsordssynonym behöver inte vara en synonym i vardaglig mening utan är en lösning på ett korsord. Dessa behöver inte vara direkt utbytbara som en vanlig synonym är utan ibland är det lite mer av en ordlek, så ta dessa "synonymer" med en nypa salt. Men kanske hjälper de dig att lösa ditt korsord?

En lösning på korsordsfrågan Has kan vara på koben.

Hittade "has" i en associationsgrupp
Här har vi samlat ord som associerar med varandra på något sätt, det behöver inte vara exakta synonymer även om de ibland kan vara utbytbara. Inte sällan kan du hitta lösningen på ditt korsord bland dessa associationsord.


Så kan Has användas i en mening

  • With the course participants’ own sick-listing cases as material, it has been possible to categorize the difficulties.
  • Sucrose addiction has been described in rat model.
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy has gone down from 24 % to 10 %.
  • A recent American study has demonstrated the value of incorporating such training programs during the early phase of medical studies.
  • » When the dust has finally settled we will be left with just two types of medicine : that which works and that which doesn ' t.
  • The technique has mainly been applied to viruses, but is now slowly adapted to bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminths.
  • Bedrest after extraction of the needle has been recommended as prophylaxis for over a century.
  • The survival for children with spina bifida has dramatically increased during the last 30 years.
  • Radioimmunotherapy has during the last years proven to be of help when other therapy modalities fail in e.
  • Recently severe fibrosing alveolitis has also been reported in RA-patients treated with TNF-blockade.
  • This concept has become a widely accepted research model for studying lesion-induced plasticity.

Dessa exempelmeningar är från olika tidningar och Wikipedia.

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