
Synonym till Has

Vi har tyvärr inga synonymer till Has.

Korsordssynonymer till Has

En korsordssynonym behöver inte vara en synonym i vardaglig mening utan är en lösning på ett korsord. Dessa behöver inte vara direkt utbytbara som en vanlig synonym är utan ibland är det lite mer av en ordlek, så ta dessa "synonymer" med en nypa salt. Men kanske hjälper de dig att lösa ditt korsord?

En lösning på korsordsfrågan Has kan vara på koben.

Hittade "has" i en associationsgrupp
Här har vi samlat ord som associerar med varandra på något sätt, det behöver inte vara exakta synonymer även om de ibland kan vara utbytbara. Inte sällan kan du hitta lösningen på ditt korsord bland dessa associationsord.


Så kan Has användas i en mening

  • - The NMDA-receptor antagonist amantadine has long been used as an anti-Parkinson drug but also as an anti-dyskinetic drug.
  • Since the time of Hippocrates »... to always comfort « has been regarded as a part of every physician’s profession.
  • A good GT has a core variable that is a central concept connected to many other concepts explaining the main action in the studied area.
  • At present, the incidence of notified pertussis has decreased to 1 / 10 of what was seen 10 years ago.
  • This treatment has now been given for six years and only one episode of capillary leakage has occurred.
  • After registration in 1973 of the first local diabetic patient in Jönköping with a fifty-year survival, this group has successively increased.
  • Moderate drinking has small effects on health.
  • The consumption of sweet food has increased in Sweden, as in other Western countries.
  • The technique of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ( PCI ) has improved considerably over the last decades.
  • It has been shown to reduce circulating glucose both under fasting conditions and after meal intake in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
  • It has been considered a rare malformation.

Dessa exempelmeningar är från olika tidningar och Wikipedia.

Mer om ordet