
Synonym till Often

Vi har tyvärr inga synonymer till Often.

Men vi har exempelmeningar som innehåller Often som möjligtvis kan ge dig ledtrådar till betydelsen.

Korsordssynonymer till Often

En korsordssynonym behöver inte vara en synonym i vardaglig mening utan är en lösning på ett korsord. Dessa behöver inte vara direkt utbytbara som en vanlig synonym är utan ibland är det lite mer av en ordlek, så ta dessa "synonymer" med en nypa salt. Men kanske hjälper de dig att lösa ditt korsord?

Tyvärr har vi inte korsordssynonymer för Often.

Så kan Often användas i en mening

  • Results from Riks-Stroke show that women, in comparison with men, are more often living in institutions three months after stroke.
  • Tobacco smokers suffer from postoperative complications after surgery more often than non-smokers.
  • Women also less often receive secondary stroke prevention.
  • Research in palliative medicine is often rendered difficult because of limited patient materials.
  • After this further diagnostic steps may be taken, especially as sensory mechanisms are often involved.
  • Cardiovascular-, gastrointestinal-, and endocrinecomplications are often observed as a consequence of starvation in anorexia nervosa.
  • Medial medullary infarcts often present with a lacunar syndrome mimicking capsular or pontine small vessel disease.
  • Cerebellar infarcts are most often caused by cardiac embolism.
  • The causal agent is often, as in this case, Escherichia coli.
  • The condition, often of dental or pharyngeal origin, is associated with high morbidity and mortality.
  • Often these patients are elderly with high comorbidity and, hence, are poor surgical candidates.
  • Clinical features of progressive multifocal brain-stem symptoms are often suggestive of basilar artery occlusion.

Dessa exempelmeningar är från olika tidningar och Wikipedia.

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