Så kan Often användas i en mening
- Results from Riks-Stroke show that women, in comparison with men, are more often living in institutions three months after stroke.
- Tobacco smokers suffer from postoperative complications after surgery more often than non-smokers.
- Women also less often receive secondary stroke prevention.
- Research in palliative medicine is often rendered difficult because of limited patient materials.
- After this further diagnostic steps may be taken, especially as sensory mechanisms are often involved.
- Cardiovascular-, gastrointestinal-, and endocrinecomplications are often observed as a consequence of starvation in anorexia nervosa.
- Medial medullary infarcts often present with a lacunar syndrome mimicking capsular or pontine small vessel disease.
- Cerebellar infarcts are most often caused by cardiac embolism.
- The causal agent is often, as in this case, Escherichia coli.
- The condition, often of dental or pharyngeal origin, is associated with high morbidity and mortality.
- Often these patients are elderly with high comorbidity and, hence, are poor surgical candidates.
- Clinical features of progressive multifocal brain-stem symptoms are often suggestive of basilar artery occlusion.
Dessa exempelmeningar är från olika tidningar och Wikipedia.